3. Saint Valentine's Day
St.Valentine's (words and expressions, proverbs about love)
St.Valentine's (words and expressions, proverbs about love)
Valentine's Day - День святого Валентина (праздник всех влюблённых, отмечается 14 февраля)
valentine - валентинка (любовное или шутливое послание, стихи, посылаемые в День св. Валентина); возлюбленный, возлюбленная (выбираемые в шутку обыкн. 14-го февраля, в день св. Валентина);
love - любовь, приязнь, симпатия;
kiss – поцелуй;
hug - крепко обнимать, сжимать в объятиях;
heart – сердце;
romantic – романтичный;
cupid – Купидон;
bouquet – букет;
chocolate – шоколад;
present – подарок;
propose – предложение;
card – открытка;
flowers - цветы;
jewellery - ювелирные изделия;
gift - подарок;
date- свидание;
couple - пара;
loving couple, pair of lovers/sweethearts - влюблённая пара;
be in love (with) - быть влюблённым;
to fall in love (with) - влюбиться (в кого-л.);
blind love - слепая любовь;
unrequited love - безответная любовь;
love-story - любовная история, рассказ, роман о любви;
love in a cottage - рай в шалаше;
love-match - брак по любви;
to win smb.'s heart - завоевать чьё-либо сердце;
heart-throb – сердцеед.
Provebs about love
Love and a cough cannot be hidden.
All the world loves a lover.
All’s fair in love and war.
Better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.
Love is blind.
Love me, love my dog.
Love is harder to accept than to give.
Love lives in cottages as well as in courts.
The heart that once truly loves never forgets.
Faint heart never won fair lady.
Far from eye, far from heart.
A merry heart is a good medicine.
A honey tongue, a heart of gall.
St.Valentine's day (dialogue)
Read the dialogue:
— What is your favourite holiday?
— As for me, I like St. Valentine's Day most of all. It is the day of love.
— What do you do on this day?
— This day you should spend with people you love. They exchange small presents, go for a walk ,or to the cinema, organize a romantic dinner.
— What presents are usually given?
— The most popular presents are little hearts, flowers, sweets, jewellery.
— What about your friends?
— I send them Valentine cards
— And your family?
— I say to every member of my family my wishes and thank them for their support and love. Do you like this holiday as well?
— I think, people invented this holiday just to forget about cold February weather.
— But it is the most important holiday for many people!
— Especially for those, who are in love. Do we really need a special day to tell someone we love about our feelings?
— I agree with you, but when you have a real love, you will celebrate this holiday!
Task: Make up a new dialogue, like in example using new words and phrases.
2. Maslenitsa in Belarus
1. Read the rule and do the exercises
Reported speech (grammar rule & exercises)
Reported speech (online exercises)
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